At Custom Produce Sales, food safety is an ongoing commitment and not just a “buzzword”. Our highly qualified food safety team monitors the entire food safety supply chain, from growers to distribution to customers.

Custom Produce Sales requires all growers and suppliers to meet stringent food safety and security standards. These standards are risk-based and continue to evolve to conform to the best practices adopted by the leading industry associations. Ongoing compliance with standards is verified and documented.

Custom Produce Sales suppliers are inspected by approved third-party auditors and required to have food security programs in place. In times of emergency, Custom Produce Sales, Emergency Management Team is uniquely positioned to respond rapidly to any recall or trace-back situation nationwide. Custom Produce Sales is committed to food safety and security in the supply chain.

Required Grower/Supplier/Partner Programs

• Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs)
• Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
• Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
• Recall Capabilities
• Food Security Plans; Carrier and Distribution Cold Chain Management

Verification of Supplier/Partner Compliance

• Sign-off by suppliers of Custom Produce Sales, Food Safety, Security, and Regulatory Compliance Requirements
• Third-Party Audits of Custom Produce Sales, Suppliers/Partner Programs
• Custom Produce Sales, Food Safety Inspections of Field, Cooling, and Packing Operations
• Custom Produce Sales, Food Safety and Security Inspections of Distribution Facilities

Supplier/ Partners

• Custom Produce Sales, Alert System Monitoring and Communication
• Quality Assurance (Field and Cooler Teams)
• Comprehensive Emergency Management and Communication
• Food Safety Assistance to all Custom Produce Sales Customers

For Food Safety please contact:

Tony Bozzo
Phone: 831-424-5200 / Fax: 866-668-5782